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Protect and Maintain Your Area Rugs

An area rug can be a large investment and an important decoration in any room. They usually get a lot of foot traffic and can suffer and the wear and tear can take its toll on the rug over time. When your area rug starts to look dull, call Homeland Carpet Care so we can make your rug look new again. We take pride in our rug cleaning and we know you will be happy with the results. We offer free estimates as well. Our rug cleaning is gentle enough to protect your rug but powerful enough to remove the dirt and grime that has accumulated over the months (or years).

When we come to clean your rugs our technician will begin by carefully inspecting your rug, looking for spots or stains. Next, they will use our rug duster to gently remove soil, dust, sand, and grit. Then we will perform dye testing to check for color bleeding. When we wash the rugs, we will remove and clean deep into the rug fibers, including the fringes. We will then speed dry your rug and do a final inspection. After the inspection is completed, the technician will cover your rug in a rug protector. After the rug is treated, if you are not satisfied with the cleaning results, please contact us and we will re-clean it, on-site at no extra charge.

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